Friday, September 14, 2007

Random thoughts on random things......

Well, on Sunday I didn’t even remember that Theorems or Postulates existed let alone what all geometry included, now I could tell you all about the ones that have to do with parallel and perpendicular lines or triangles. I learned them one day at a time and I taught them either the following day or the very same day. Geometry 101 for the high school non-licensed teacher. I think I am qualified to teach that class. Things have gone well in regards to teaching this week. Now I have two more weeks till quarter break. Crazy, that is almost here, yet I am so excited and ready for it.
I came down with a cold and fever this week but was able to teach all my classes. Kleenexes are rare here and toilet paper is so scratchy, so I carried around a bandana hanky with me all day. I felt like you, Dad. My worst day was Tuesday and today, I am feeling so much better, I even went for a run! Praise God that it was nothing major and I was able to keep going.
Tonight the 11th grade class is having a fundraiser community event. It is a hamburger supper and a movie, A Night at the Museum. I am going over for the supper, but I am not sure if I want to sit on hard metal chairs with lots of kids and watch a movie I have already seen. Yes, it was funny, but that is not my ideal Friday night. I think I will return to play games with some friends instead. We will try girls night again this tomorrow. Last weekend it didn’t work out. But I did make a chocolate cream pie from scratch and it was so very tasty. I am enjoying the learning process of food here. I try Cameroonian food when I get the chance. Some of it I enjoy, some I can eat, some I am finished after one bite. But I still enjoy the process. You can get lots of fresh fruit and veggies here, which is very nice. My roommate, Liz, and I make lots of fresh carrot pineapple juice in our juicer. Mmmm, so good and good for you. If any of you have some great family recipes with veggies, beef, potatoes, rice, peanuts, fruit, milk powder, whether it be cooking or baking with any of the above, it would be fun to try new recipes. You could post them or email them at
Well, my water for my shower is hot now, so I need to go (we have to turn the heater on and wait for it to heat up, but at least it is hot). This entry may seem scatter brained, well that is because I am right now.

A thought I enjoyed this morning: God is constant. My routine changes, my attitude changes, my dedication to time with him comes and goes, I fail, I win, I mess up, I succeed, I am stubborn, I am flexible, I am so inconsistent! But God, he never waivers in his love for you and me, he never changes in his dedication to us. God is constant.

May God’s peace be with you as you seek to live out each day in its problems and blessings.
Blessed by God,