So I realized just a few days ago that I never posted the post I wrote for last Friday. The internet was down all weekend and then this week was a very busy week. I apologize, but I did just post it below.
An update on my geometry class. I did say I could not take it anymore and feel a great peace about that and a great burden lifted off of me. However, I have not heard yet if they have found someone else in my place until the teacher returns. So you can still be praying for a replacement.
Right now it is 5:08 PM on Friday and I am leaving campus when I am done posting this. I will then not have to teach for 10 DAYS!!!!! Wahoo! I am so excited. It is fall break, even though it doesn’t feel like fall, and we have a whole week of school off plus the following Monday. I am heading west with 20 of my closest new friends to a place called Kribi. It is on the ocean and a beach! I am so excited. There are indeed 21 of us missionaries either single or young married who are going from Sunday through Wednesday. I have checked 5 books out of our library for my personal reading over break! Those of you who know me well are either laughing or rolling your eyes. But I am so excited to sit on the beach and get lost in another world. I am also really ready for some quiet time with just me and my savior in a beautiful place.
I received several more things in the mail lately. Some birthday cards that I got about a month late, but it felt like my birthday all over again. Thank you so much for the letters and emails that you have sent. It really does brighten my day to hear from each of you.
I am making this post short because I am ready to get out of here and start my rest.
I hope you are well. I don’t know if it feels like fall there yet, but when it comes, enjoy the leaves for me and the apple cider. Each fall I miss the Pennsylvanian autumns. That itself seems proof enough to me that God exists. Well, you enjoy the fall and I will enjoy the beach. Different parts of the world, same creator, same God.
May God’s peace be with you this next week.
Look forward to a beach update and pictures next week!