Friday, April 11, 2008

Contemplating Goodbye

Let’s see, what new adventures to share….Nothing much new has happened this week. It has gone by very fast. I can’t believe I now only have 7 weeks of teaching here left. I am excited to return home and see all of you and discover what new adventures God may have for me. I am also looking forward to putting into practice the many things I learned this year. I have learned a lot about how to live more simply. It will be harder to do in the American culture as there are more temptations for materialism and more availability to it. But I am determined to not spend God’s money on things I do not need. I have learned to cook from scratch and found I really love it. I rarely eat out here and have found great joy in sharing a meal with friends in their home.
I have students asking me to stay and trying to convince me that I should teach choir (our music director it leaving) and help out with chapel details. I would not want to teach again. But there are some other things that would intrigue me to do. If I am honest I can say that I don’t know what to do next year yet. I think of a great idea and get excited about it, but then become so uncertain. Then I find another idea and get excited about that. This is my biggest prayer request now. That I will be seeking God’s wants and will for me and not my own. I know I will find true joy in what He has for me to do. Please pray for wisdom in decision-making as I look toward what may come next for me.
Also, you can pray that I can finish well here. I have built some great relationships with students and co-workers and it will be hard for me to say goodbye.

This first picture is one of my co-worker and good friend Anna and I. The second is Anna and I with some girls at one of the hostels after a water fight.

I get tired of saying goodbye so many times. It is an emotional thing for me. I get tempted to shut my emotions down and not care because often it is too exhausting to care. I don’t enjoy saying goodbye to new friends and people God has used immensely in my life to challenge me, encourage me and love me. I wonder if it is something in me that needs to move on each year and fears the deeper relationships that would come with staying put. I do enjoy the adventure of moving on, but I hate the pain of leaving. I will leave it at that. I don’t have the time to analyze myself anymore and I am sure you do not care to read it all.
I pray you are blessed today and that you can take some moments to be still and truly know that He is God.
May His peace that passes all understanding guide and guard you this day.