He is Risen! What a glorious day this Easter has been. It started with a ‘Sonrise’ Service on the school grounds with a bunch of missionary families, including many of my students. Then I got to rest for about an hour and headed out again to a baptism. In Cameroon it is very traditional to celebrate the resurrection of Christ with the baptism of new believers. Then it is a celebration of new life all around. The baptism I went to today was that of my friend Fiacre. He started out as a ballroom dance teacher to Liz and I, but is now a dear friend. He has recently been growing in his faith and decided the next step for him was baptism. It was a very loud and vibrant celebration. That is the way Cameroonians celebrate! A Cameroonian church service and a lunch to celebrate followed the baptism.
Good Friday I went up Mt. Nkolbesan with a group of 12 students as one of two chaperons. It was lots of fun. You hike up, sleep on a rock face over looking the city and then watch the sunrise and hike down the following morning. It is about an hour-long hike up and 45 min. down. It was a great time from great Easter discussion and quality conversations as well as a lot of laughter.
This Tuesday, the 25th, I leave to go to Kribi (the beach) for the Covenant meetings and fellowship. There are Covenant missionaries from all parts of Africa coming as well as some folks coming from the States. We stay there a whole week. I am looking forward to it and hoping to have lots of free time on the beach to read and swim.
Well I wish a Happy Easter to all of you and prayer to you may truly celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord and Savior and all it has brought into our lives.
Much love,