Friday, February 22, 2008


I love writing on Fridays because I am in a good mood because it is Friday! Today the sun is shining once again and the air is hot. It is nearing the end of the dry season, but it is the driest part of the dry season so far. Dust everywhere, very dry contacts, chapped lips, thirsty skin….. But rainy season is around the bend because the mango trees are growing mangos. From what I understand they are here for just a short time, but very plentiful and very cheap. I look forward to adding it to my fruit intake.
Tonight, my co-worker, Anna and I are hosting a “Girls’ Night” for five 11th and 12th grade girls. We have a whole list of girls to eventually invite to a girls’ night. After retreat we decided we wanted to be active in getting to know the female students better. We are having pizza for supper and dessert pizza for dessert. It should be a fun time.
My roommate, Liz, is gone for the weekend. She left today with a drama evangelism group from school. They are traveling to a village where they will perform their dramas, which present the gospel message to music, and minister to the people living there. They can use prayer for safe travels and for God’s protection on them. They will be out on the front lines fighting for God’s kingdom and Satan never likes that. They need protection from sickness and discouragement. We have two teams at school and Liz leads both of them. They have performed several times at churches and neighborhoods in the area. Each time people have come to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ. People here seem to be ready to listen and eager to respond. I pray the response in the village this weekend is the same.
I have been feeling well this whole week. I am so thankful for that.
I just started a new Bible study called Becoming a Women of Excellence. It is with a group of 7 women from the missions community ranging from age 25 to over 60. I am really looking forward to the fellowship, accountability and personal growth with Christ.
Well this sums up thing for today. I hope you are all well, but I know that is probably not so. If you are stressed, exhausted, sick or worse I pray you can truly feel God’s grace and mercy surrounding you today.
Blessings to you all,