Hello friends and strangers who may read this. I realize that outside of my family, I don’t know who reads what I post each week. Sometimes I wonder why I post my personal thoughts and joys and struggles. I guess I post them because I am seeking to live in honesty and truth. I can’t always just share fun stories and say life is wonderful over here because it isn’t. I have great days and I have very challenging days just like each of you does. Serving God in the mission field doesn’t mean I know what I am doing with my life or have it all together. It just means that I desire to serve God with all that I am and follow him wherever he takes me. And it so happens that he has taken me to Cameroon Africa for this year. So here I go, sharing personal things again….Lately there have been more hard days than easy days. But last night I came to a sweet realization. Yesterday I was not thankful for the personal struggles and challenges I am facing right now. But last night in bible study a friend was talking about how easy it was (even though it shouldn’t be) for her to go through her whole teaching day without really thinking about or talking to God. I laughed inside because if I went through a day right now without talking to God, I wouldn’t make it through. That is when I saw the sweet blessing of my struggles. They draw me to fully rely and depend on God each day in so many moments of the day. My need for God is what is drawing me closer to him and that is what is giving me strength, hope, joy, laughter and peace right now. So you see, without the struggles, my joy would cease to exist as fully as it does right now. Tears came to my eyes last night, and even now, as I realized the sweet and beautiful blessing of my pain.
My pain isn’t life and death. Don’t worry about me, I am in God’s hands and will be more than ok. My struggles are in seeking God and his truth in my life and his reasons for me being here and teaching, when teaching is not what I want to be doing. But I am making it. I have only 4 more periods of geometry to teach before the teacher returns. I am very ready to be done teaching that.
Lately I have been craving pumpkin bread and hot apple cider. Mmmmm. It just sounds so good! I haven’t tried looking for pumpkin here, they might have it. I think I have seen some pumpkins growing on the side of the road by my apartment. There is this ‘juice’ called fuleray (I am certain that is not how you spell it, but that is how is sounds), made from flower petals and boiling water. It is bright red and kind of tart, but if you add lots of sugar it is good. Most times it is served cold, but I have heard it tastes excellent if you heat it with cloves and cinnamon. So you see, I might yet get to have cider and pumpkin bread, the African way! I would appreciate prayers to more fully see God’s blessings and understand his wisdom and purpose in me being here.
Thanks for reading this and praying for me and supporting me.
I pray for you, that you too may see the blessings God has placed in your path.